Information for Authors
All contributions must be sent in electronic version to the MIT Editorial Office ( Every submission must include two attached Word documents:*
• a MIT template-based manuscript
• a MIT checklist.
*Authors are specifically asked not to send any additional documents, such as a cover letter, a list of possible referees, a copyright statement etc., since everything is included in the MIT-checklist.
The receipt of the manuscript is confirmed by a return email, with the information of the number assigned to the manuscript.
1.2 Reviewing process
The articles are processed through blind peer review. The reviewing process typically lasts 3-4 months.
Authors provide the details of two potential reviewers (in the MIT-checklist) who can make an independent assessment of the quality of the manuscript. The purpose of the reviewing procedure is to have the manuscripts evaluated objectively, and so suggested reviewers with local affiliations and who may be too closely associated with the authors will be disregarded.
After the review process, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author, with the decision of the Editor and, if appropriate, the reviews of the referees. If the paper is accepted, the author will be asked to revise the manuscript in accordance with the referees’ comments and return it to the MIT Editorial Office, together with the list of all the corrections made.
If the corrections made are insufficient, the manuscript will have to be revised again until it is acceptable for publication, or it will be rejected.
1.3 Acceptance for publication and payment procedure
When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are informed by a confirmation email. They are also informed which issue it is scheduled to be published in, and about the payment conditions.
In the confirmation email there is also a publication fee inquiry form which must be filled in and returned by email to Authors will be asked to pay a publication fee for each article before its publishing in MIT journal.
1.4 Article proof
Before the publication, the authors receive their article proof. They are requested to return the proof with any corrections and the corresponding author's data form within two days. A signed Article Proof form must be returned to the MIT Editorial Office to confirm the authors' agreement for publication.
In the case of a delay the Editor will postpone publication of the article until the article proof is received.
The paper must be as short as possible and should not exceed 4–6 printed pages (approx. 20.000 characters). Papers presented at conferences must be restricted to 2–4 printed pages (approx. 10.000 characters).
Title page
Papers must have a concise but informative title, which should not exceed one line. The words from
the title must be suitable for indexing and searching.
The title must be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and by the name and address of the institution(s)
where the work was carried out. An e-mail address for the corresponding author must be supplied.
Papers must include an abstract, which should provide an overview of the content and conclusions of the
paper and highlight the new information they contain. The abstract must be understandable in isolation
and written in the past tense, because it refers to work that was already done.
The length of the abstract should not exceed 250 words.
The author must supply 3–4 keywords that describe the content of the article and are suitable for
indexing and searching.
Symbols, equations (units of measurement)
Units of measurement must comply with the Law of Units of Measurement and Measures (Official Gazette of
the Republic of Slovenia 2001/26), i.e., international SI units (ISO 31, ISO 80000).
Equations must be marked on the right-hand side of the text with numbers in round brackets.
Tables must be clearly referred to in the text using Arabic numerals.
Each table must have a title which makes the general meaning understandable without reference to the text.
Figures are reduced to a single-column width (7.9 cm). In special cases max. printed size ≈16 cm.
The lettering used on a figure should be chosen so that after reduction the height of numbers and capital
letters falls within the range (1.2–2.4) mm.
Lines and arrows should also be of sufficient thickness so as to remain clear after the reduction process.
Figures must be saved in any supported format, e.g. JPG, TIFF.
Figures and figures captions must be inserted in the text.
Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation.
The maximum number of figures and tables in a paper is 10, for papers presented at conferences the maximum is 8.
The references must be collected at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text.
Each reference must be complete, the use of ibid., idem., et al., etc. is not permitted.
References to unpublished or not readily accessible reports must be avoided.
References must be cited in English.
All references should have a DOI number, if it exists for the given reference.
Authors should avoid self-citing in the references as far as possible.
In the list of references, monographs, articles in journals, journals, contributions to conference
proceedings, patent documents, electronic monographs, articles and other electronic documents must
be cited in accordance with the following examples:
1. Monographs
• H. Ibach, H. Luth, Solid State physics,2nd ed., Springer, Berlin 1991, 245
2. Articles in journals
• T. Mauder, J. Stetina, Improvement of the casting of
special steel with a wide solid liquid interface, Mater. Tehnol., 50
(2015) 1–2, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.122
3. Contributions to conference proceedings, symposiums
• I. Rak, M. Kocak, V. Gliha, N. Gubeljak: Fracture behaviour of over-matched
high strength steel welds containing soft root layers, Proc. of
the 2nd Inter. Symp. on Mis-Matching of Interfaces and Welds, Reinsford,
1997, 627–641
4. Contributions in electronic form/online
• M. P. Wnuk: Principles of fracture mechanics for space applications., 30.01.2000
• other:, 15.03.2016
5. Standards: ISO 15787:2001(E) – Technical product
documentation, Heat treated ferrous parts, Presentation and indication ISO Committee, Geneve
Authors must also confirm that their paper is original work and has not been published in this form anywhere else, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (included in the MIT checklist).
On publication, copyright will pass to the publisher. The Materials and Technology journal must be stated as the source in all later publications.
The Editorial Board of the Materials and Technology journal:
• decide whether to accept a paper for publication;
• obtain professional reviewers for papers and decide on any proposals to shorten or extend them;
• obtain correct terminology and edit language.
The e-files of papers will be kept in the archives of the Materials and Technology journal.
The publication fee is €300 for regular articles, and €150 for articles, presented at the ICMT annual conference in Portorož. These fees do include value-added tax (VAT).

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- ISSN 1580-2949 (print version)
ISSN 1580-3414 (e-version)